CULTURED BUTTER || my favorite recipe

Have you made homemade butter before? It’s so easy, and such a special treat with bread! I use our raw cream, but you can use whipping cream from the grocery store too. I’ve wanted to try cultured butter for a while….and now that I’ve tried it….it’s my absolute favorite! It’s easy, just plan for the cream to culture 12-24 hours before you want to eat your butter :)

I start by making Creme Fraiche with the fresh cream. To do that you will pour cream into a saucepan and heat on low until slightly warmer than lukewarm, 95-100 degrees. Stir in 1 TBSP of culture per 1 cup of cream. I use plain yogurt, you can use sour cream too. Stir in the culturing agent and then pour cream + mixed culturing agent into a glass jar. Leave it in a warm area of your kitchen for 12-24 hours. Now you have creme fraiche! Stick in in the refrigerator, you will want it cold for making butter!

Poor your chilled Creme Fraiche into your stand mixing bowl and turn to medium low, whipping as if making whipped cream. Stop every now and then to scrape down the bowl. As the cream thickens increase the speed. When it’s just past the stage of whipped cream, it will start to turn yellow and separate into clumps. Decrease the speed (you don’t want buttermilk everywhere :) and watch the butter quickly solidify.

There are a few different ways to rinse the buttermilk from the butter. I like to pour mine into a fine mesh sieve and pour cold water over it as I spread the butter around. The goal is to get out all of the liquid. I also like to gather it into a ball in my hands, and work the liquid out while the faucet is running. This step is a must as your unwashed butter will spoil quickly!!

Pat dry and add salt or flavorings. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. It also freezes beautifully!
