FALL BAKING || cinnamon-pear tart

Goodness, it’s been a while! Life sure twists and turns and flies by! My last post with the end of March….and here we are with the leaves changing color and the days getting shorter.

My mom passed away suddenly and unexpectedly just 7 weeks ago. She was young (just 62), healthy and such a huge part of my life. I miss her like crazy, and have a hole in my heart that God is slowly healing. I haven’t had much motivation to be creative, I’m sure it will eventually come back. But, I have enjoyed spending extra time in the kitchen with my sweet peas!!

We have apples and pears coming out of our ears! We have been eating them fresh, giving them away and making too much apple/pear-sauce :) The girls love helping me in the kitchen and I have found that a “rustic tart” is the easy and scrumptious way to use up that extra fruit!

pear tart.jpg

The beautiful thing about a “rustic tart” is that is easy and super forgiving! You can easily swap out apples for the pears, or use both. This is a very forgiving recipe, so have fun and experiment!


Let me know if you bake this tart….or another one!! Happy Fall!!