FALL VINTAGE SALE :: a few pics

On Friday, the Queen Bee {Emily and Anne} and I hosted a Fall Sale.  It was A.LOT.OF.WORK but so much fun!!  It was too crazy busy Friday night to snap any pictures of the actual sale, or any pictures with us girls.  But, I did snap a few photos as we were setting up....


We lucked out with AMAZING Fall weather.  Especially considering the nasty windy and rainy weather we had for the 10 days leading up to the sale!!


We loaded the front porch with treasures and we had some fun things out in the front yard as well.


Friday night's preview sale was crazy!  People started filtering in around 4:45 {it started at 5pm} and we didn't have a minute to breath until 8:15 {it ended at 8pm}!


Anne and Emily brought some beautiful furniture pieces!!


We had 7 vendors {including me and the Queen Bee girls}.  All of the girls were so easy to work with!!  Not to mention hard workers and super creative.  I am bummed that I didn't snap a picture of Amy with all of her beautiful baked goods!!




The interior of the studio was filled to the brim!


MIX fabrics is this adorable new fabric shop in Lafayette.  Super cute fabrics and fun vintage + handmade items!!


Anne's mom {Barb} made these beautiful velvet pumpkins.  Aren't they beautiful?!?


Anne made these darling Fall signs....I now have one on my back deck and I love it!!


I made some signs, bunting, garlands, wreathes, and had other home decor items from the studio.


I also had the chance to talk 'Chalk Paint' with some new customers.  It was a wonderful weekend!!  But, I am happy to now have extra time to snuggle and love on my littles!  They were great sports {not to mention my amazing husband} to put up with me being gone so much over the weekend.

I am so very blessed to be surrounded by lovely friends and a wonderful family!!

The Queen Bee girls and I are tired....but there was a little talk of a Christmas event.....who knows.....{wink wink}


FALL EVENTS & CLASSES :: at a glance


Hello and happy Saturday!

I am just popping in to let you know that I updated the FALL SCHEDULE.  I will be sure to showcase each event as the time gets closer.  I am really excited for the Vintage Sale October 4th and 5th.  I am teaming up with some super talented ladies and we are going to have ourselves a fun, Fall inspired Vintage Sale.  And of course I LOVE hosting the entertaining classes, it's going to be a fun Fall for sure!  More details to come!!

Have a lovely weekend!

Fall event schedule


A WALK IN THE PARK :: a few photos

This was my first year participating as a vendor in Carlton's a Walk in the Park.  I have volunteered and attended in the past, but never participated.  It was a blast!  There is no way I could have done it, or enjoyed it so much, if it wasn't for my dear husband.  He is most definitely a keeper!!


Of course I forgot to snap any photos after I set up, or after the first day.  I snapped a few photos on Sunday {the second day of the event} but I had already sold half of my pieces so the tent was looking a bit sparse!


It was such a fun time and I have to say it exceeded my expectations.


What a blessing to live in such a great community!!

And, on a second note....we randomly picked the winner of the Breakfast Basket!  I am not very technical, I wrote all of the names {there were 78.....thank you!!!} on old business cards and Addilyn drew them out of a basket!


I will contact you Miss Lori Jones!

Have a lovely day!!  The girls and I are off to go re-organize the design studio....it looks like a tornado blew through there!!



CARLTON'S WALK IN THE PARK :: August 17th & 18th

One of the many things I love about our darling little town, is the annual Walk in the Park festival.


The food is always a treat, the wine is flowing, the live entertainment is super fun and the art vendors are extremely talented.


For the past 8 or nine years, I have volunteered.  It's always a fun excuse to see neighbors and a great way to support our sweet little town.


This year, I will be attending as a vendor.  Not quite sure how it all happened, but I will be there {with bells on of course}!  I have started compiling a list of the different items I want to make to sell.  I am super excited to be a part of this wonderful event.


Hopefully you will stop by and say hello!!

**all of these fun photos are from the Walk in the Park website**