I would say the number one product we receive the most questions about, is Annie Sloan's soft wax. It is such a fantastic product! However, it can cause frustration if it's not applied properly. Next Saturday, I am going to offer two {free} demonstrations on applying soft wax. A little way to help customers who are struggling with the soft wax and for whatever reason can't attend a BASICS painting class. Here are the details for you local peeps!
W H E N: Saturday, April 29th, 2017
T I M E: 10:30am and 11:00am
W H A T: demo on applying Annie Sloan soft wax, 10% off your purchase of a wax brush, coffee + muffins
C O S T: free
Each demo is limited to 12 people. Although there is no cost, you do need to sign up at the shop. You can sign up by calling, emailing or stopping by the shop!